Tuesday, November 24, 2009

इ ऍम lucy एंड राईट नो इ ऍम अत्तेंडिंग वोर्किशोप ओं कोन्नेक्ट आईटी, टुडे
मेरा नम lucy है और मैं कोन्नेक्ट आईटी का वोर्क्शोप अत्तेंद कर राही हूँ


1 comment:

  1. Hello friends, Let me tell you one very interesting thing that today we received a letter from a family who adopted a baby girl through intervention of our organisation. the letter said that the adopted baby girl celebrated her 3rd birthday on 10th Dec.09. She has become very friendly and enthusiastic.The baby bought great joy and happiness in their life. The family had their biological son whom the baby is very much attached as her elder brother. Hearing this gives great satisfaction while working. will write on this more, thanks, and have a nice time :)
